1:87 H0 scale model railway laser-cut set houses developed by me and sold with my friend under the name ´MaRa Modellbau´
Flower Shop
Finished shell HK004, unpainted - 2015
Details: doors, window sills, basement, downpipe -2015
Windows and doors can remain connected for painting. That makes handling easier. The houses can also be built reversed left to right - 2015
The windows can be inserted from behind after painting -2015
Details made of 0.8 mm thick Kraftplex, window bars less than 1 mm wide! -2015
Basic painting with ordinary white wall paint -2015
Row of scenery houses fully assembled - the skylights are still missing -2015
Each room can be individually illuminated using RGB LEDs. An automatic system switches the individual rooms on and off at random. An automatic staircase light can also be configured with my electronics using a Windows PC - 2015
The room division behind the facade serves both as a light delimitation of the individual rooms and the stairwell, as well as to reinforce the building structure - 2015
Laser cut houses on my friend´s HO site - 2016
Space-saving laser cut backdrop houses on my friend´s HO site - 2016