Rainer Radow's

Tram in Osnabrück, Germany

Page under construction (2023-06-05)

All essential information about the Osnabrück tram can be found in the `award-winning` book
The Tramway of Osnabrück`s Public Transport System
Alfred Spühr und Claude Jeanmaire
Verlag Eisenbahn, CH-5234 Villingen, 1980
ISBN 3 85649 043 4


"Unsere Elektrische" - Erinnerung an Osnabrück`s Straßenbahn:

Osnabrück: Von der Straßenbahn zum Bus:

Modell Tram Osnabrück from Alfred Spühr
Unfortunately, this video may not be embedded in external sites, so please click on the text "Watch on YouTube" below and admire it there.

Tram Route map Osnabrück

On these historical measuring table sheets the Osnabrück tram is still listed. If you zoom in on the map, the current road condition is displayed. With the blue slider at the top of the screen you can hide the cards on top of each other

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